Our team

In our daily lives we all commonly experience situations when it is better to address an expert. We hope that WE can become your experts – we will be happy to deal with your family situation, inheritance issues or your defence in criminal proceedings. We will use all our experience, knowledge and necessary vigour in order to bring your problem to a successful conclusion.

We specialize in criminal and family law, including solutions to the issue of domestic violence, stalking and we represent victims of crime.
Contacts information
AK Hrdá, s.r.o.
Vinohradská 343/6
120 00 Prague 2
reg. No. CBA: 11778
ID No.: 067 17 969
TAX No.: CZ 067 17 969
phone: +420 777 273 601
ID data boxes: f2jhgwe
e-mail: office@akhrda.cz
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