The European Court Of Human Rights in Strasbourg and the Constitutional Court

Thanks to numerous experiences in representing our clients before the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic and the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg we can offer you comprehensive legal representation before these institutions.

This includes e.g. to consider whether it is reasonable to submit a case to judges, to draft constitutional complaints and complaints to the European Court concerning infringement of human rights guaranteed by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Constitution of the Czech Republic and the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and other types of representation before both the courts, including follow-up written submissions (e.g. application for allowance for representation before the European Court, opinion on the government´s position, and others).

Good lawyer = good investment into your future
Contacts information
AK Hrdá, s.r.o.
Vinohradská 343/6
120 00 Prague 2
reg. No. CBA: 11778
ID No.: 067 17 969
TAX No.: CZ 067 17 969
phone: +420 777 273 601
ID data boxes: f2jhgwe
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