Where to find us

You can find the law office in the center of Prague, just above the subway to the tram line number 11. You will find us in the first corner house on Vinohradská street just above the Museum. The office is located on the third floor (at door bell no. 38).

It is possible that at the time you decide to visit the office, we will be on our way to some of the clients or at the court hearing. Therefore, you agree to the date of the office visit in advance.

Stay in touch:

Contacts information
AK Hrdá, s.r.o.
Vinohradská 343/6
120 00 Prague 2
reg. No. CBA: 11778
ID No.: 067 17 969
TAX No.: CZ 067 17 969
phone: +420 777 273 601
ID data boxes: f2jhgwe
e-mail: office@akhrda.cz
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