Criminal Law

In the field of criminal law we engage not only in conducting a defence in any stage of criminal proceedings and representation of our clients before competent law enforcement authorities but we also represent the injured, draft qualified reports of the commission of a crime and provide legal advice on how to prevent conflicts with the law not only in the area of economic and property crimes, but also violent and sexual crimes. We represent our clients also in cases of self-defence or traffic accidents. Defence of juveniles and minors and defence of the persons accused of committing domestic violence forms an important part of our practice as well.

Beside our long-term interest and specialization in criminal law we offer defence of the accused conducted with professional care with maximum use of all institutes of criminal law and with particular focus on respect of the clients´ rights, as well as effective representation of the accused by providing them assistance in claiming damages and other procedural rights and capacities in their difficult life situation.

Conducting criminal cases, from commencement of criminal prosecution up to extraordinary remedies including proceedings before the Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights, is a matter of course.

We will be happy to offer you our experience in successful application of diversion of criminal proceedings (i.e. a special manner of proceedings aimed at avoiding conviction of the accused after they pay damages to the injured).

In the case of suspending criminal proceedings or in the case of acquittals we guarantee to claim compensation of damages and other than proprietary loss caused by unlawful criminal prosecution from the state to our clients.

Victims of domestic violence are represented by our firm for free!
The victims do not pay anything - we will arrange that all the expenses are paid by the state.
Contacts information
AK Hrdá, s.r.o.
Vinohradská 343/6
120 00 Prague 2
reg. No. CBA: 11778
ID No.: 067 17 969
TAX No.: CZ 067 17 969
phone: +420 777 273 601
ID data boxes: f2jhgwe
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